Mediation of appellate cases can save individuals involved a great deal of time and money. Despite an unsatisfactory court ruling, appealing is not always the preferred solution. In these instances appellate mediation could be the best possible resolution.
Appellate mediation is different than traditional mediation. It requires the support of a mediator who understands the judicial process, as well as the specific issue at hand. Appeals are made on the basis of the trial proceedings – not just whether the verdict was right or wrong. Proving the events of the trial warrant a different outcome can be tedious and time-consuming. There are even instances when an appellate expert should be a part of your legal team right from the beginning, making it easier to identify issues that could lead to a successful appeals outcome.
The Appellate trained Mediators at Select Mediation, LLC understand how appellate mediation is different than mediating other cases. They are prepared to work with clients to determine whether or not a traditional appeal is in their best interest. Select Mediation, LLC Mediators have overseen a number of appellate mediations and is familiar with Florida law and how it affects appeals.
If you would like to know more or you need to discuss you appeal and the benefit of mediation with an expert, contact Select Mediation, LLC at 321.269.6900 or by email at